Fiber Fuse (June 2005-)
- A. M. Rocha, M. Facão, A. Martins and P. S. André: “Simulation of
fiber fuse effect propagation”, International Conf. on Transparent Networks
- Mediterranean Winter, 2009, Angers, France (2009).
- N. Hanzawa, K. Kurokawa, K. Tsujikawa, T. Matsui and S. Tomita: “Suppression
of fiber fuse propagation in photonic crystal fiber (PCF) and hole assisted
fiber”, Technical Digest of Microoptics Conference, p. M7 (2009).
- K. S. Abedin, T. Miyazaki and M. Nakazawa: “Measurements of spectral
broadening and Doppler shift of backreflections from a fiber fuse using
heterodyne detection”, Optics Letters, 34, 20, pp. 3157-3159 (2009).
- H. Takara, H. Masuda, H. Kanbara, Y. Abe, Y. Miyamoto, R. Nagase, T. Morioka,
S. Matsuoka, M. Shimizu and K. Hagimoto: “Evaluation of fiber fuse
characteristics of hole-assisted fiber for high power optical transmission
systems”, Proceedings of the 35th European Conference on Optical
Communication (2009).
- K. S. Abedin: “Remote sensing of fiber fuse propagation using RF
detection”, The Technical Report of The Proceedings of The Institute of
Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, OPE, Optoelectronics,
109, 159, pp. 43-46 (2009).
- K. S. Abedin, M. Nakazawa and T. Miyazaki: “Backreflected radiation due to a
propagating fiber fuse”, Optics Express, 17, 8, pp. 6525-6531 (2009).
- K. S. Abedin and T. Morioka: “Remote detection of fiber fuse propagating in
optical fibers”, Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication/National Fiber
Optic Engineers Conference (2009).
- J. Wang, S. Gray, D. Walton and L. Zenteno: “Fiber fuse in high-power optical
fiber”, Passive Components and Fiber-based Devices V (Eds. by M.-J. Li,
P. Shum, I. H. White and X. Wu), Vol. 7134 of SPIE Proceedings, SPIE, pp.
71342E-1-9 (2008).
(Hangzhou, China).
- A. Ankiewicz, W. Chen, P. St. J. Russell, M. Taki and N. Akhmediev:
“Velocity of heat dissipative solitons in optical fibers”, Opt. Lett., 33, 19, pp. 2176-2178 (2008).
- S. Todoroki: “In situ observation of modulated light emission of fiber fuse
synchronized with void train over hetero-core splice point”, PLoS ONE, 3, 9, p. e3276 (2008).
- K. Takenaga, S. Tanigawa, S. Matsuo, M. Fujimaki and H. Tsuchiya: “Fiber fuse
phenomenon in hole-assisted fibers”, Proceedings of the 34th European
Conference on Optical Communication, Vol. 5, pp. 27-28 (2008).
- I. A. Bufetov, A. A. Frolov, A. V. Shubin, M. E. Likhachev, S. V. Lavrishchev
and E. M. Dianov: “Propagation of an optical discharge through optical
fibres upon interference of modes”, Quantum Electronics, 38, 5, pp.
441-444 (2008).
- K. Takenaga, S. Omori, R. Goto, S. Tanigawa, S. Matsuo and K. Himeno:
“Evaluation of high-power endurance of bend-insensitive fibers”,
Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication/National Fiber Optic Engineers
Conference (2008).
- N. Akhmediev, P. St. J. Russell, M. Taki and J. M. Soto-Crespo: “Heat
dissipative solitons in optical fibers”, Physics Letters A, 372, 9,
pp. 1531-1534 (2008).
- I. A. Bufetov, A. A. Frolov, A. V. Shubin, M. E. Likhachev, C. V. Lavrishchev
and E. M. Dianov: “Fiber fuse effect: New results on the fiber damage
structure”, Proceedings of the 33rd European Conference on Optical
Communication, Vol. 1, Berlin, Germany, IEE's Photonics Professional Network,
pp. 79-80 (2007).
(Mon 1.5.2) LP01+LP02.
- I. A. Bufetov, A. A. Frolov, A. V. Shubin, M. E. Likhachev, C. V. Lavrischev
and E. M. Dianov: “Fiber fuse effect under conditions of interference of two
modes”, ICONO/LAT 2007 Technical Digest on CD-ROM, Minsk, Berarusi (2007).
- S. I. Yakovlenko: “Physical processes upon the optical discharge propagation
in optical fiber”, Laser Physics, 16, 9, pp. 1273-1290 (2006).
- E. D. Bumarin and S. I. Yakovlenko: “Temperature distribution in the bright
spot of the optical discharge in an optical fiber”, Laser Physics, 16,
8, pp. 1235-1241 (2006).
- M. M. Lee, J. M. Roth, T. G. Ulmer and C. V. Cryan: “The fiber fuse phenomenon
in polarization-maintaining fibers at 1.55
m”, Proc. of the Conference
on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (2006).
- A. A. Frolov, I. A. Bufetov, V. P. Efremov, M. Ya. Schelev, V. I. Lozovoi,
V. E. Fortov and E. M. Dianov: “Optical discharge in silica-based fibers:
high-speed propagation under kW-range laser radiation”, Reliability of
Optical Fiber Components, Devices, Systems, and Networks III, Vol. 6193,
Strasbourg, France, SPIE, p. 61930W (2006).
- E. M. Dianov, V. E. Fortov, I. A. Bufetov, V. P. Efremov, A. A. Frolov, M. Y.
Schelev and V. I. Lozovoi: “Detonation-like mode of the destruction of
optical fibers under intense laser radiation”, J. Exp. Theo. Phys. Lett.,
83, 2, pp. 75-78 (2006).
- E. M. Dianov, V. E. Fortov, I. A. Bufetov, V. P. Efremov, A. E. Rakitin, M. A.
Melkumov, M. I. Kulish and A. A. Frolov: “High-speed photography, spectra,
and temperature of optical discharge in silica-based fibers”, IEEE Photon.
Technol. Lett., 18, 6, pp. 752-754 (2006).
- S. I. Yakovlenko: “Mechanism for the void formation in the bright spot of a
fiber fuse”, Laser Physics, 16, 3, pp. 474-476 (2006).
- Y. Shuto, S. Yanagi, S. Asakawa, M. Kobayashi and R. Nagase: “Fiber fuse
phenomenon in triangular-profile single-mode optical fibers”, J. Lightwave
Technol., 24, 2, pp. 846-852 (2006).
- S. Todoroki: “Transient propagation mode of fiber fuse leaving no voids”,
Optics Express, 13, 23, pp. 9248-9256 (2005).
- S. Todoroki: “Animation of fiber fuse damage, demonstrating periodic void
formation”, Opt. Lett., 30, 19, pp. 2551-2553 (2005).
- I. A. Bufetov, A. A. Frolov, V. P. Efremov, M. Ya. Schelev, V. I. Lozovoi,
V. E. Fortov and E. M. Dianov: “Fast optical discharge propagation through
optical fibres under kW-range laser radiation”, Proceedings of the 31st
European Conference on Optical Communication, Vol. 6, Glasgow, Scotland,
IEE's Photonics Professional Network, pp. 39-40 (2005).
(Th 4.4.2).
- E. M. Dianov, I. A. Bufetov, A. E. Rakitin, M. A. Melkumov, A. A. Frolov, V. E.
Fortov, V. P. Efremov and M. I. Kulish: “Temperature of optical discharge
under action of laser radiation in silica-based fibres”, Proceedings of the
31st European Conference on Optical Communication, Vol. 3, Glasgow, Scotland,
IEE's Photonics Professional Network, pp. 469-470 (2005).
(We 3.4.4).
- S. Todoroki: “Origin of periodic void formation during fiber fuse”, Optics
Express, 13, 17, pp. 6381-6389 (2005).
- R. I. Golyatina and S. I. Yakovlenko: “On the mechanism of optical discharge
stop in the tapered region of fibre cladding”, Quantum Electron., 35,
5, pp. 422-424 (2005).
- E. M. Dianov, V. E. Fortov, I. A. Bufetov, V. P. Efremov, A. E. Rakitin, M. M.
Melkumov, M. I. Kulish and A. A. Frolov: “Temperature of plasma in
silica-based fibers under the action of CW laser radiation”, International
Conference on Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems Book of Abstracts, Moscow,
Russia, pp. 25-26 (2005).
- S. Todoroki: “In-situ observation of fiber-fuse propagation”, Jpn. J. Appl.
Phys., 44, 6A, pp. 4022-4024 (2005).